
Monday, April 25, 2011

Just one more bag of poprock mini-eggs... I promise

I keep slacking on this whole blogging thing.  I promise myself that I am going to be one of those avid bloggers who is totally like Doogie Howser was, every night at the end of every episode.... I, however, blame it on the fact that I am not 16 and aspiring to be a Doctor.

I have fallen off the fitness train for awhile now.  I'm not proud of myself.
I decided to redeem myself by going out on good Friday (because I had it off) with my lovely co-worker Amanda, and embarking on a 16k long run.  The Sporting Life 10k is fast approaching (next Sunday May 1st to be exact) and I wanted to make sure that I could still run at least 10k without my lovely ankle swelling.  (When I try and run over 10k, it sometimes just randomly swells up and I have to stop running for a bit...boo, hiss.) Anyways, short story long, I went out and things were fine! Finished up felt great- so much in fact I went rollerblading down by lakeshore for another 15 or so kilometers.

I had a bit to drink on Friday night and as I was coming down the stairs of the bar, my little flats decided to let me down (and so did my balance.. re: probs the drinks I consumed,) my shoe went to the side, my ankle did too and BAM!- sprained ankle.  I really don't know how I manage to walk in a straight line on most days, but man this just makes me laugh.  I managed to get through all that fitness and exercise, only to be douped by some ballet flats, and some measely stairs. Le sigh.

Regardless, I have been icing and resting, much to my own dismay.  I hate that I have to sit around, especially when I am trying to get back into it. I also smashed my elbow on the wall while trying to get my boxing wraps out of the washer.  They wouldn't come lose- finally they did, and I smacked into the wall.  Laugh it up guys... it was probably as funny as you're picturing it ;)

My friend Brick is starting her training soon for some fitness competitions and I am very proud of her.  I'm a little jealous because she is super committed- so I ought to take some lessons from her during her training.  I hope she does well! I will use her as my inspiration!! Back to bootcamp, I go!

There is a Midtown Mingle Summer Run club starting with Fitdate in conjunction with lululemon at Briar Hill.  I'm very pumped about this.  If you are in the area (I'm at good old Yonge and Eg) on Wednesday, May 11th around 7:30ish.  It's free of cost, and you get to run with this Reformed Fat Kid! Get pumped!!

In the wise old words of the Body Break pals, Stay fit and have fun, kids!

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